LRBMS sponsored in April 2010 an underwater inspection of Qaraoun Dam to locate leaks in the upstream
facing that could jeopardize the dam’s stability. Several leaks were indentified and consequently repaired by LRA staff with LRBMS assistance. In order to ensure the sustainability of the monitoring of the dam, LRBMS provided LRA with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV or rover) to routinelty conduct such underwater inspections.
In April 2012, LRA employees were trained in the usage of the Outland 1000 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), and assisted in the completion of an inspection of the Qaraoun Dam in Lebanon. The training and inspection was completed by SeaTrepid International LLC.
A SeaTrepid employee, Alex Kaplan, trained LRBMS employees in two parts. Training was first done in a classroom setting, where employees learned of the components, setup and basic operation of the Outland ROV. The second part consisted of hands on training of ROV operation in the water, and actual inspection of the dam. Employees became familiar with many aspects of ROV operation: setup, configuration, care and maintenance, tether management, and repair.
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